竹下 典男(タケシタ ノリオ)


  • 空間的・代謝的な相互作用を介した細菌と真菌の新たな相利共生戦略
    久知良桃花; Gayan Abeysinghe; 桝尾俊介; 萩原 大祐; 高谷直樹; 野村暢彦; 尾花 望; 竹下典男
  • 菌糸ネットワークを介した糸状菌と細菌の相互作用の解析
    久知良桃花; Gayan Abeysinghe; 桝尾俊介; 萩原 大祐; 高谷直樹; 野村暢彦; 尾花 望; 竹下典男
  • Superresolution microscopy analysis of fungal cell polarity maintenance.
    Takeshita Norio
    28th Fungal Genetics Conference/2015-05
  • Superresolution microscopy analysis of fungal cell polarity maintenance.
    Takeshita Norio
    Molecular Biology of Fungi/2015-10
  • Superresolution microscopy reveals a dynamic picture of cell polarity maintenance during directional growth
    Takeshita Norio
    VAAM annual congress/2016-03
  • Superresolution microscopy reveals a dynamic picture of cell polarity maintenance during directional growth.
    Takeshita Norio
    13th Europian Conference on Fungal Genetics/2016-04
  • Pulses of Ca2+ coordinate actin assembly and exocytosis for stepwise cell extension
    Takeshita Norio
    XII International Fungal Biology Conference/2017-08
  • Pulses of Ca2+ coordinate actin assembly and exocytosis for stepwise cell extension
    Takeshita Norio
    14th Europian Conference on Fungal Genetics/2018-03