木村 達雄(キムラ タツオ)


  • A classification of representations ρ⊗Λ₁ of reductive algebraic groups G×SLn (n≧2) with finitely many orbits
    木村達雄; 神吉知博; 牧 徳達; 大内将也; 高野みずほ
    Algebras, Groups and Geometries/25/p.115-159, 2008-06
  • On M. Sato's classification of some reductive prehomogeneous vector spaces
    木村達雄; 石井佑来美; 柳; 濱田倫夫; 黒澤恵光; 大内将也; 神吉知博
    Publication of RIMS, Kyoto Univ./47/p.397-418, 2011
  • A classification of reductive prehomogeneous vector spaces (G×GL(n), ρ⊗Λ₁+σ⊗Λ₁*) (n=2,3) of separated type with full scalars
    木村達雄; 竹田大佑; 神吉知博; 大内将也; 浜田倫郎; 大津利之
    Journal of Algebra, Number Theory; Advances and Applications/5(2)/p.73-106, 2011
  • On prehomogeneity of a rank variety
    大内将也; 浜田倫郎; 木村達雄
  • A classification of some prehomogeneous vector spaces related with hypergeometric functions
    木村達雄; 小木曽岳義; 大内将也
    Josai Math. Monograph/5/p.89-111, 2012
  • Prehomogeneous vector spaces and their regularity
    木村達雄; 小木曽岳義; 黒澤恵光; 大内将也
    Josai Math. Monograph/5/p.71-88, 2012
  • A note on some PV-equivalence
    木村達雄; 黒澤恵光; 柴田大樹
    Far East J. of Math. Sci./63(No. 2)/p.269-280, 2012
  • A classification of irreducible weakly spherical homogeneous spaces
    Kimura Tatsuo; Takeda Daisuke; Kamiyoshi Tomohiro
    JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA/302(2)/pp.793-816, 2006-08
  • Relative invariants of 2-simple prehomogeneous vector spaces of type I
    Kimura Tatsuo; Kogiso Takeyoshi; Sugiyama Kazunari
    JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA/308(2)/pp.445-483, 2007-02